About Cantargia Cantargia AB (publ), reg. no. 556791-6019, is a biotechnology company that develops antibody-based treatments for life-threatening diseases. The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform.


16 apr. 2018 — Idag presenterar Cantargia AB nya data kring antikroppsterapi riktad mot Cantargias antikroppar mot IL1RAP kan blockera IL-1-systemet och 

PRESS RELEASE PR Newswire . Mar. 10, 2020, 08:58 AM. STOCKHOLM, March 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Cantargia AB today announced the acquisition of a patent Cantargia utvecklar antikroppsbaserade läkemedel mot interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). Antikroppen CAN04 binder IL1RAP med hög affinitet och verkar både genom s.k. Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) samt blockad av interleukin-1 (IL-1)-signalering.

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Cantargia utvecklar en antikroppsbaserad behandling riktad mot målmolekylen IL1RAP som har potential att användas för ett flertal olika cancersjukdomar. Cantargia förvärvar patentportfölj runt IL1RAP från Cellerant tis, mar 10, 2020 08:45 CET. Cantargia AB meddelade idag förvärvet av en patentportfölj från Cellerant Therapeutics Inc vilken täcker olika aspekter runt ”interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein” (IL1RAP). Cantargia acquires Cellerant IP on IL1RAP Tue, Mar 10, 2020 08:45 CET. Cantargia AB today announced the acquisition of a patent portfolio from Cellerant Therapeutics Inc covering aspects around the interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). In addition, Cantargia also has patents on antibody therapy targeting IL1RAP in both solid tumors and in hematological cancer.

Cantargia is a clinical stage biotechnology company based in Sweden, established in 2009 and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm main market. It is developing two antibodies against IL1RAP, nidanilimab (CAN04) and CANxx. Nidanilimab is being studied in a Phase I/II CANFOUR in solid tumours focusing on NSCLC and pancreatic cancer.

The lead project CAN04 is in phase IIa clinical development for treatment of cancer Besides the patents that Cantargia already owns, there is one additional patent on IL1RAP as target for antibody-based therapy in hematological cancer: US patent no. 8,715,619 from Cellerant Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against IL1RAP.

Cantargia develops antibody based therapy against the target IL1RAP. The lead candidate CAN04 is for treatment of solid tumors and hematoligacal cancers, 

Cantargia il1rap

The antibody CAN04 binds IL1RAP with high affinity and functions through both Antibody STOCKHOLM, June 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --Cantargia AB today announces that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted two of Om Cantargia Cantargia AB (publ), reg.no. 556791-6019, är ett bioteknikbolag som utvecklar antikroppsbaserade behandlingar för livshotande sjukdomar. Den ursprungliga upptäckten från forskargruppen bakom Cantargia var ett överuttryck av en specifik målmolekyl, interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein “IL1RAP”, i leukemistamceller. 2020-05-06 2019-12-17 Cantargia develops IL1RAP-targeting antibodies for treatment of cancer and inflammation and has reached clinical phase II in non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. Key requirements : · PhD in Immunology, Tumor immunology or Tumor biology.

The patent confers protection for e.g. IL1RAP targeted antibodies in tumor forms not already covered in the European mother patent, which was granted in 2016. The current opponent, Mab Discovery GmbH, also filed an […] Cantargia's second project, currently in the research phase, is aimed at developing an IL1RAP-binding antibody that is optimised for treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). The antibody CAN04 binds IL1RAP with high affinity and functions through both Antibody STOCKHOLM, June 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --Cantargia AB today announces that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted two of Om Cantargia Cantargia AB (publ), reg.no. 556791-6019, är ett bioteknikbolag som utvecklar antikroppsbaserade behandlingar för livshotande sjukdomar.
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Cantargia il1rap

While we acknowledge that Novartis's data has created negative  Cantargias fortsatta forskning har visat att IL1RAP dessutom uttrycks i solida tumörer från flera olika cancerformer. Vidare spelar IL1RAP en central roll i  Cantargia is developing antibodies against IL1RAP for treatment of life-​threatening diseases. The company's main project, the immuno-oncology antibody  4 juli 2019 — Cantargia utvecklar antikroppsbaserade läkemedel mot interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). Antikroppen CAN04 binder IL1RAP  10 mars 2021 — Cantargia utvecklar antikroppsbaserade läkemedel mot interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). Antikroppen.

In the most advanced program, the antibody CAN04 binds IL1RAP with high affinity and its anti-tumor activity consists of stimulation of immune cells to eradicate cancer cells as well as blockade of interleukin 1 signaling. Det kinesiska patentverket State Intellectual Property Office ("SIPO") har utfärdat ett formellt patentgodkännande avseende Cantargia AB:s ("Cantargia") ansökan för IL1RAP som målmolekyl för antikroppsbaserad terapi av akut lymfatisk leukemi Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against the interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP).
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Cantargia (Biotechnology) Cantargia AB (publ) is a biotechnology company that develops antibody-based treatments for life-threatening diseases. The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. The main project,

Cantargia AB uses the Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP), as the target for development of a novel antibody-based therapy for leukemia. View full   The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. The main project, the antibod. 10 Aug 2015 Cantargia AB is the owner of the intellectual property rights for agents targeting IL1RAP for use in the treatment and diagnosis of neoplastic  Cantargia develops a therapy for the treatment of cancer by targeting a unique cell-surface receptor on malignant stem cells. 15 Mar 2021 It is developing two assets against IL1RAP, CAN04 and CAN10.