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As of 9 January, the Danish government has introduced new entry restrictions, which apply to travellers from all countries, who wish to enter Denmark. The restrictions are currently valid until and including 20th of April. Read more here or contact the Danish Police Arrival Hotline at (+45) 70206044. COVID-19: Information for tourists in Denmark.
Travelling to and staying in Denmark This links to the Danish Police's page with information from the Danish authorities in English regarding the state of COVID-19 in Denmark. Information about Coronavirus / COVID-19 for Danes in Hungary. Legal requirements on testing and isolation upon entry to Denmark have been introduced. Read more on the Joint Website of the Danish Authorities here. Entry restrictions apply to travellers from all countries, who wish to enter Denmark. This is where a Danish vaccine passport can be used", the Danish authorities said. Denmark, a nation of 5.8 million, has seen over 180,000 COVID-19 cases with over 1,500 fatalities.
14 nov. 2020 — COVID Persons residing in Brazil can travel into Denmark with a what constitutes a worthy purpose at the website of the Danish Police.
The ban, a so-called opholdsforbud, will be introduced as part of a measure to prevent the spread of the new, more infectious form of Covid-19, Copenhagen Police said in a statement. Danish Authorities Information from the Danish authorities about corona virus/covid-19 in Denmark Danish MFA Citizen’s Service Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark's Citizen Service Call +45 3392 1112 Email: bbb@um.dk Traveling to Denmark is not safe and only essential travel is recommended by the CDC. Travelers at increased risk for severe illness from Coronavirus should reconsider their travel plans to Denmark. Reconsider travel to Denmark due to COVID-19. Exercise increased caution in Denmark due to terrorism.
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The Danish Foreign Ministry has raised its travel guidance to the maximum level for all countries on Friday, in an effort to limit the spread of more transmissible Covid variants discovered in …
2021 — Under COVID-19 epidemien har der været iværksat en lang række tiltag for at undgå smitte i samfundet Sundhedsstyrelsen – Danish Health Authority preparedness, the police, the health sector or other authorities in providing advice Afterwards, healthy and well passengers may continue their travel. Browse terminology questions in Swedish to Danish on the KudoZ™ network by ProZ.com.