I do not know what inspired Rebecca Solnit — long respected as a writer and feminist (although I can’t say I’ve followed her work closely, of late, mostly because I find it a bit predictable and a bit dull) — to write about the “threat” posed by “trans women” to “cis women” last week. Perhaps I have answered my own question.
University of California Press. 2007. Mycket gott skick. eng. litet riss nedtill på skyddsomslaget, i övrigt mkt fin. ill.
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Rebecca Solnit. En fackbok med stil. En perfekt hybrid mellan skönlitteratur och sakprosa. Och nu är essän hetare än på länge menar Annina Rabe.
Recollections of My Non-Existence. av Solnit, Rebecca. Förlag: Faber & Faber; Format: Pocket; Språk: Engelska; Utgiven: 2021-03-04; ISBN: 9781783785490.
Her 2009 book, A Paradise Built in Hell, was about how Rebecca Solnit's Men Explain Things to Me is a slim, well-intentioned, and gratingly naive collection of essays on Women's Issues. It could serve as a sort of Rebecca Solnit is author of, among other books, Wanderlust, A Book of Migrations, A Field Guide to Getting Lost, the NBCC award-winning River of Shadows Since the 1990s Rebecca Solnit has authored a river of non-fiction at the fertile intersections of environmentalism, political activism, art criticism, and memoir. Rebecca Solnit is an activist, historian and writer who lives in San Francisco.
May 7, 2020 Rebecca Solnit, who inspired the term 'mansplaining,' explains herself (sort of) In 2008, Rebecca Solnit wrote an essay titled “Men Explain
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794 Likes, 1 Comments - @ezgihoscan on Instagram: “#rebeccasolnit #gününsözü #kendimenot #kitap #okumahalleri”. Välkommen till Pinterest. Længe før MeToo-kampagnen blev Rebecca Solnit et feministisk ikon, da hun med sit veloplagte essay Mænd forklarer mig ting satte ord på den lettere
Därför ger vi nu ut Rebecca Solnits klassiska aktivistbok "Hopp" som aldrig tidigare kommit på svenska.
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1961) on yhdysvaltalainen esseisti, kriitikko, aktivisti ja tietokirjailija. Hän on julkaissut 20 kirjaa, joiden aiheina ovat feminismi, historia, länsimaiden ja alkuperäiskansojen historia, yhteiskunnan muutokset, vaeltaminen, toivo ja tuho. By Rebecca Solnit April 23, 2020 The price of oil as I write (on Monday, April 20), or rather the benchmark of West Texas crude oil with May delivery, is negative $37 a barrel and while there had been recent predictions that we were heading this way, it is still a wild event and not one most who weren’t studying the context carefully could’ve foreseen. In 1981, Rebecca Solnit rented a studio apartment in San Francisco that would be her home for the next twenty-five years.
Språk: Svenska. Hylla: Gz Solnit
Wanderlust : att gå till fots (Heftet) av forfatter Rebecca Solnit.
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2018-apr-09 - Pris: 129 kr. Inbunden, 2014. Finns i lager. Köp Men Explain Things to Me av Rebecca Solnit på Bokus.com.
LitteraturMagazinets recension av Män förklarar saker för mig, Rebecca Solnit. Rebecca Solnit om män som förklarar hur det ligger till. De bara antar att de vet Allt om Rebecca Solnit. Rebecca Solnits ”Hopp” från början av 00-talet har en ständigt aktuell kärna, men delar av den känns alltför daterad.